US and Iran’s pistachio crop 2018

The pistachio production of year 2018 and the warehouse.

The Iranian Pistachio Association’s preliminary forecast is that the total Iran pistachio production  will be 55 thousand tons in a new year.

As noted above, this dramatic decline in product in 2018 due to climate shocks in the winter and spring of this year.

The highest reductions in the amount of Iran pistachio production in Kerman province have been experienced since the previous year, while other areas of pistachio work better and their reduction will be less than Kerman.

Also, this year’s dominant Iran pistachio crop will be of long  variety (Ahmad Aghaee,Akbari,Badami).

According to the Iranian Pistachio Association, the amount of transshipment from the year before 2018 is about 35 thousand tons.

This amount transshipment is due to a shortage of crop and also because of high increases in the dollar against the Rial.

Since pistachio is an export product with a dollar price, Iranian merchants and gardeners are considered as currency equivalent during inflation, in order to avoid the effects of the depreciation of the Rial.

Pistachio demand “Far East”

The Iranian pistachio exported to the Far East until 2007 has had a bullish trend regardless of Iran’s pistachio production. After 2007, demand fluctuations followed the Iran’s pistachio change. Production and demand numbers show that between 2002 and 2009, about 20 percent of Iran’s pistachio production exported to the Far East, and after 2009, demand for Far East had reached to 30 percent of Iranian pistachio production.

The total amount of pistachios exported from Iran and the United States to the Far East has been increasing, rising to 145 thousand tons in 13 years from 24 thousand tons in 2003, which represents an increase of 516 per cent in demand.

The amount of pistachio imported to the Far East from the sum of the countries of Iran and the United States is consistent with the amount of pistachios exported from Iran, and only in a few years of low pistachio production, the American pistachio filled the supply gap. This circular graph shows that “Far East” is a major destination for this year’s pistachio.

Of course, Seems the Indian market in a match with the ” Commonwealth of Nations” and the European market will take them over and it will take a larger share of Iran’s pistachios than in the past.

Finally, according to available information, it is expected that the total pistachios available today will not have a significant chaos compared to last year.


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