Cooking with Pistachio Oil; makes your food more delicious

l  oiPistachio Oil is an edible oil that is relatively little known. This oil is mainly used for pouring on salads and in some French dishes called huile de pistachio. Cooking with Pistachio Oil is not very well known in Middle Eastern countries. This oil is cold-pressed, obtained from fresh pistachio kernels, and has a unique pistachio flavor.

It can also be used for skincare and a hair conditioner because of the pistachio nutrition. Pistachio oil has significant nutritional value because it provides healthy fats (such as omega-9 and omega-6) and vitamin E, carotenoids, and chlorophyll for the human body.

a delicious and quality oil for cooking


oil is expensive oil. This oil is used in several French cooking recipes. Some of its uses are:

  • Mix the oil with lemon juice and pour it into the salad. French chefs use this oil as a seasoning for salads.
  • Bakery products – Pistachio oil is used to prepare some cookies to add a healthy and nut-like feeling to them.
  • Using a few drops of pistachio oil in the chicken cooking recipe can give it a delicious taste.

What do you know about the benefits of pistachio oil? | Iran pistachios

Regulate heart rate

One of the benefits of pistachio oil is that it regulates heart rate and helps oxygenate tissues and cells. Pistachio oil lacks harmful fatty acids.

It is recommended for patients who have heart diseases to choose this oil. The fatty acid (omega 3) in pistachio oil prevents the risk of a heart attack. Also, fatty acids (omega 6) strengthen the immune system.

Strengthens the skin and clarifies the hair

Except for cooking with pistachio oil, it is one of the oils that is widely used in cosmetics. This does not cause stickiness in the skin. It is a suitable option for face and body massage; you can use it instead of a cream or leucine.

Good for diabetes


istachio oil is an excellent alternative to foods or oils that are high in sugar and carbohydrates. However, Because of this property of pistachio oil, doctors recommend to all people with diabetes to benefit from this oil, which is not harmful at all.

Cooking with pistachio oil, some delicious recipes

cooking with pistachio oil

Wheat and pistachio salad

Specifically for vegetarians

Serving rate: 4 to 6 people


    1. Pistachios (chopped): 5 tablespoons

    2. Wheat: one measure

    3. Basil leaves: 3 pcs

    4. Beet leaves: 3 pcs

    5. Pomegranate: one

    6. Stone lemon: one

    7. Pomegranate juice: 3 tablespoons


>pistachio oi

  1. Salt: As needed

Recipe Details

First, soak the wheat in water for a few hours, then cook and drain it. Next, mix the cooked wheat with pistachios, basil leaves, chopped beet leaves, pomegranate seeds, pomegranate juice, lemon juice, pistachio oil, and salt in a suitable bowl. Finally, serve the dish.

Chicken and rice with pistachio oil | Hiva Bazargan

Chicken and rice with pistachio oil

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Chicken thighs: 5 pcs

<p>Pistachio oil: 5 tablespoons

Tomato paste: a tablespoon

Black pepper (powdered): a teaspoon

Red pepper (powdered): a teaspoon

Salt: As needed

Recipe Details

1. Mix pistachio oil, tomato paste, black pepper, red pepper powder, and salt. Dip chicken thighs in the mixture and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

2. Then fry the chicken thighs in a non-stick pan without oil until lightly browned.

3. To prepare rice, mix butter and oil and put them on medium heat. Add onion and fry.

4. Add finely chopped garlic and fry.

5. Add pre-soaked rice and fry until it changes color. Add pistachios, barberry, turmeric, ginger, cumin, black pepper, and grated half an orange peel.

6. After 3 minutes, add water, orange, and some salt. Pick up the pan from the heat and transfer the ingredients into an ovenproof dish (medium size). Place the chicken thighs on the ingredients and place the dish in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) to cook and roast the thighs. Moreover, cooking with pistachio oil makes this food tastier than cooking it with olive oil. Remember that you can buy pistachio from Iran pistachios.

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